On March 16, Mark Riley and I traveled to the Moffat Tunnel area to check on progress. We first underwent a railroad safety orientation (very interesting) and then toured the construction site. So far:
- Rock harvesting from slope immediately south of the creek is complete (for Moffat and Jumbo)
- Several long riffle/pool areas were complete – looked very natural and fishy!
- Some whole willows were planted along the stream bed and bank stabilization was complete
- The Moffat area construction should complete next week and activities will move to Jumbo.
- All activities should complete by 11/8 – weather permitting
- Some willow cutting/staking will be done by BFC next spring – more to come later on this activity.
- Here is a link to Mark’s pictures: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q5oddylhz34l6w7/kwZQ40hf1V