STREAM GIRLS is a program organized by Trout Unlimited to educate and inspire Girl Scouts who are interested in connecting with their local streams. The curriculum for this program incorporates STEM-education (science, technology, engineering, math) as well as recreation and arts.
On Saturday, April 15th Boulder Flycasters volunteered to support the first STREAM GIRLS program to be hosted in Colorado. Despite the cold and snow, the girls spent the day outdoors exploring the St. Vrain Creek with TU volunteers as their guides. Together we walked the stream, sampled macro-invertebrates, calibrated flow, learned how to tie flies, and completed a riparian scavenger hunt. Each of the volunteers brought their own unique expertise as anglers and scientists to this outdoor classroom. As a program dedicated to empowering young women to engage with the outdoors, TU’s volunteers represented women who have dedicated their personal and professional lives to the outdoors. Among the volunteers were ecologists, geologists, biochemists, and life-long anglers.
As the day came to a close, we joined hands and reflected upon the promises these young girls made to be honest, fair, helpful, and courageous. These principles and a passion for the outdoors are echoed by all members of Boulder Flycasters and we are excited to continue supporting STREAM Girls as the program expands in Colorado.