Do It Yourself CABO

With: Thomas Schneider, of Boulder’s own Sunrise Anglers
WHEN: Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 6:30 PM-8:00 PM
WHERE: Citizens Bank Building, ground floor
1426 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO
Join Thomas Schneider from Boulder’s own Sunrise Anglers for an evening chat covering the water around Cabo san Lucas.  From the tranquil Sea of Cortez around to the raging Pacific Ocean, tactics and gear, guide services, lodging, etc. will be discussed. Come on down with us or “Do it Yourself” and discover a new world of Fly Fishing…

Sunrise Anglers has more permitted water for walk/wades and floating than any other guide service in the state of Colorado.  We provide service to the whole Front Range, including incredible opportunities over the divide for floating and multiday overnights.  We are an Orvis Endorsed Guide Service and proud recipients of the 2011 Guide Service of the Year Award.  We love what we do, teaching you how to catch fish.  Cabo Logo 2012

Annual Boulder Flycasters Dinner

Where: West Flanders Brewing Company
1125 Pearl St. Boulder, CO
Second Floor Party Room
When: November 14, 2014, starting at 6:30 PM
Cost: Just pay for what you eat and drink

Come join us for a fun night of socializing with our fellow Boulder Flycasters.  We will be having our dinner at the highly acclaimed West Flanders Brewing Company.  West Flanders Brewing Company will be offering their full menu to choose our dinners, which includes vegetarian and gluten free choices.  And of course they have a full line of their fine beers on tap.  Bring your spouse, date, friend, family.

Ben Mc GeeAs an added bonus, we are very pleased to have Ben McGee of Boulder’s Front Range Anglers to talk to us about Front Range rivers after the flood.  He will share the latest on some of the Front Range’s top fisheries that were affected by the recent floods.

Ben McGee, Front Range Anglers Guide Service Manager, is a native to the Colorado Front Range and grew up fly fishing and exploring all the streams it has to offer.

Attendance is limited, please RSVP to:
Ron McCormack, Email: [email protected]; Tel: 303-389-2528
Dave Clark, Email: [email protected]; Tel: 303-443-2396

Fish Ladders after Flood

A cooperative effort is in effect to redesign and build new divergence structures that were lost or damaged in the 2013 Flood.  The new fish passage structures are an owner responsibility, but Colorado Parks and Wildlife is making a great effort to help these flood victims rebuild with fish passage in mind.  Learn more about these structures as well as the federal, state, and local efforts being made to help our watershed.

Rebuilding Water Diversions Using Modern Techniques

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

1:45 p.m. 

Best Western Plus Plaza, 1850 Industrial Circle, Longmont, Colorado

The Colorado Department of Natural Resources and the Colorado Water Conservation Board are hosting a meeting for all interested parties to discuss strategies for rebuilding water diversion structures following the September floods.

The meeting will focus on how to rebuild flood-damaged water diversion structures in a more fish and recreation-friendly manner. Discussion topics will include what resources are available to assist water users and identifying incentives for moving forward with fish and recreation-friendly designs as ditch companies and utilities move to replace infrastructure damaged or destroyed in the flooding.

Representatives from Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado  Water Conservation Board will be making presentations.

Come learn what others have done and are doing to make our rivers’ next 100 years even better!



Upper South Boulder Creek Progress

Mark Riley and I visited the Jumbo Mountain Picnic Area (now South Boulder Creek Interpretive area) to review construction progress.  We were hosted by Blair Hurst from Walsh Environmental.  So far:

Moffat Tunnel area construction is complete

South Boulder Creek Interpretive area

  1. Rock staging complete
  2. Willow staging and planting complete
  3. 2 of 7 pools complete – should finish next week

So far it looks great!  Here are some pictures and a short video:

USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 001 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 002 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 004 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 006 USBC Jumbo Mountain Stretch 007

Upper South Boulder Creek Progress

On March 16, Mark Riley and I traveled to the Moffat Tunnel area to check on progress.  We first underwent a railroad safety orientation (very interesting) and then toured the construction site.  So far:

  • Rock harvesting from slope immediately south of the creek is complete (for Moffat and Jumbo)
  • Several long riffle/pool areas were complete – looked very natural and fishy!
  • Some whole willows were planted along the stream bed and bank stabilization was complete
  • The Moffat area construction should complete next week and activities will move to Jumbo.
  • All activities should complete by 11/8 – weather permitting
  • Some willow cutting/staking will be done by BFC next spring – more to come later on this activity.
  • Here is a link to Mark’s pictures:

Upcoming Film: Waypoints – with proceeds toward flood relief

The premier of the film “Waypoints” will be shown at eTown Hall (1535 Spruce Street in Boulder) on Friday November 8th.

Doors open at 6:30 pm so come early to enjoy a pre-event social gathering and giveaways. The film starts at 7.30 pm. Film segments include St. Brandon’s Atoll in the Indian Ocean, Patagonian Chile, Southeast Alaska for Steelhead, India for Golden Mahseer, and the jungles of Venezuela for payara,

All proceeds from this event will benefit Front Range Flood Relief through Colorado Trout Unlimited. 

More information on the film is available here.

Tickets may be purchased here.

Fly Fishing Kamchatka by Will Blair, owner of Best of Kamchatka

Will Blair

WHEN: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 6:30 PM-8:00 PM
WHERE: Citizens Bank Building, ground floor

     1426 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO

Will Blair has spent fourteen years working in the fly fishing industry and twelve years guiding, managing, owning and developing fishing camps on both coasts of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East. It has been said that no one knows more about fly fishing in Kamchatka than Will.

New Venue for Boulder Flycasters Meetings!


Due to a change in corporate policy, TU Boulder Flycasters will no longer be permitted to hold our monthly meetings in the REI Community Room at their Boulder store. Therefore the next BFC chapter meeting (6:30PM, October 2, 2013) will be held at:
Citizens National Bank Building
(across from Starbucks)
1426 Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado

We will be meeting in the conference room, ground floor. Until we get used to this new room, we will have someone meet you to guide you down to the room. After the meeting, we can adjourn to one of the many eating and drinking establishments on the Pearl Street Mall.


Upper South Boulder Creek Project Meeting


Drove through the rain to attend a project meeting for Upper South Boulder Creek today

Attendees from Flywater, Walsh, CPW, Denver Water, USFS and BFC

Design 75% complete – did approximately 20 cross sections of the two sites

Permitting on pace to be granted by 10/1 (Notification to proceed)

Site prep starting now – Fuel Cells and Excavators on site next week – start staging rock to areas of need.

Construction should complete by 1st week of November

Contractor will reseed areas as equipment is moved out.

BFC to replant willows from cuttings next spring – before leaf out.  Will need volunteers then (10 or more).



Upper South Boulder Creek Status

We have selected a contractor Team Flywater and Walsh.

Conceptual Design Document link is posted on the website

Next steps – Finalize contract – preparation for permitting and finalizing desing

Construction should really get rolling in September.

Volunteer needs – probably minimal this year – may need some replanting of willows in harvest areas. Next spring – reseeding and more planting.  Will provide more details later.