by Mark Riley
We have cancelled our scheduled speaker from The Keystone Center, Todd Bryan. Our reason for canceling is National Trout Unlimited’s concern that by hosting Todd, we were conveying the perception that we would be open to anything beyond National TU’s unequivocal stand against the Pebble Mine. That perception was not our purpose. But we have no interest in detracting from TU’s program against Pebble Mine — even if it is only a perception.
To reiterate: our intent behind inviting Todd to speak was not to “hear the other side of the issue”. It was to hear from a mediator and facilitator of a public and open process and the results of his work in bringing all stakeholders together.
In the meantime, we have not been able to secure a replacement speaker for September 27, so we’ve cancelled this meeting.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday November 7 at 6:30PM at REI-Boulder. The main topic will be our annual business meeting, board elections and officer elections.
We’re considering having a December meeting but don’t know the exact date yet or topic. We’ll send out an announcement in a few weeks.