For the past several years, Trout Unlimited has sponsored a Special Award for River Conservation at the Colorado Science and Engineering Fair. Colorado Trout Unlimited and Boulder Flycasters jointly contribute and provide judges for the Award.
This year’s winners were:
First Place went to Rachel Rossi from Durango for her project “Endocrine Disruptor Remediation in Water: Exploration of Mycoremediation Capabilities of Fungi”
The TU award for First place was a Scholarship to CTU’s River Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp plus a check for $100. Rachel also finished in 1st Place in the CSEF Senior Division Environmental Sciences. Also at the CSEF, Rachel won scholarships to University of Colorado, Colorado State University and Colorado School of Mines. She also won Special Awards from five other organizations. At the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, she placed second in the Environmental Management category and won a full tuition scholarship ($150,000) from Drexel University.
Second Place went to Tayler Rocha, from Monte Vista, for her project “Sucessional Sequence of Water Quality and Macroinvertebrates in a Playa Wetland System”
The TU award for 1st Runner up was a check for $75 and serve as an alternate to attend the CTU Summer Camp if the First Place winner cannot attend. Tayler also finished 3rd in the CSEF Senior Division Environmental Sciences and won three Special Awards. At the ISEF, she won 2nd Place from the American Geosciences Institute and a full tuition scholarship ($150,000) from Drexel University.
Third Place went to Sarah Stalcup, from Delta, for her project “Riparian Area Multiple Indicator Monitoring
The TU award for 2nd Runner up was a check for $50 and serve as an alternate to attend the CTU Summer Camp if the First Place and 1st Runner up winners cannot attend. At the ISEF Sarah won a full tuition scholarship ($150,000) from Drexel University.
Congratulations to these students for their fine projects!