Angling Maps

Boulder Creek
Map & Angling Guide
Boulder Creek Map

Price includes shipping via US Postal Service

The Boulder Creek Map & Angling Guide includes all of Middle Boulder Creek drainage from the Continental Divide down to 55th Street. It includes all high lakes, trailheads and mileage to each lake and also shows you where the private land begins and ends. There is an extensive double page spread showing the entire creek from Barker Dam through the Boulder Creek path and most of the pullouts and parking areas along that stretch.

Additionally, we have included three sections of the South Boulder Creek drainage from the Continental Divide down to Baseline Road. Each section shows lakes and the creek reaches with mileage and trailhead parking areas. There are notations showing private property and access points for anglers.

Of special interest is the Walker Ranch section showing both the overall view of the angling accesses below Gross Reservoir and an exploded, detailed view of the most important angling accesses. The lower section of South Boulder Creek shows the public and private sections of creek access all the way down to Baseline Road and the mileage covered by the trails following the creek.

Maps may be purchased at local area fly shops, McGuckin Hardware, the Boulder Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Boulder Map Gallery. For you out-of-staters, they may also be ordered directly from Boulder Flycasters using the links above.

2 thoughts on “Angling Maps

  1. I thought i ordered the Boulder Creek Fishing map approximately 2 months ago and have not received it. I cant find the transaction on my credit card activity so it may not have gone through. Are the maps still available? Thank you.

    • Greg,
      Sorry for the slow response didn’t see that we’d had a comment. I believe Greg Beiseker is handling these. Will send a separate email to him and cc you.

      Brian Haan

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